Instructions for account registration and deposit/withdrawal on Binance

1. Introduce

Binance is the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world today. Here you can trade a lot of different cryptocurrencies. This post will show you how to create an account, deposit/withdraw and trade on Binance.

2. How to open an account?

To trade on Binance, you first need to create an account. To create an account on Binance, please visit

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Enter email, password then click “Create Account”. Next Binance will send you a confirmation email, your job is just to confirm the email.

3. How deposit/withdraw?

After creating an account, log in to Binance. Under “Wallet” select “Fiat and Spot”

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Fill in the search box the type of crypto you want to deposit/withdraw. Example: btc

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To withdraw: click “Withdraw”

To deposit: click “Deposit”

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4. How to trade?

To trade, select “Trade”=>”Classic”

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Here you can buy and sell many different cryptos

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This Post Has 37 Comments

  1. kassahun

    It is a good opportunity to trade with the BINANCE.I will try to find our more information and join the trading platform. Thanks

  2. Samuel Kofi Opoku

    Tested and tried exchange. It’s time to make money from trading.

  3. Mehmet


    1. oliber

      yes 🥰 the sometimes advantage

    1. aseel


  4. JOKOWI30


    1. Іван


  5. Chikobi Isaac


  6. aseel


    1. Pian


  7. AFGRM



    Boa Noite

  9. Amr


  10. ali


  11. Іван


  12. Suryamani


  13. Sunil Kumar


  14. al

    really good !!

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